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Holden Motor Vehicle Accidents Lawyers

Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys in Holden, Alberta

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Due to the time sensitive and technical nature of motor vehicle accident claims and the collection of evidence, it is strongly recommended that you consult with our knowledgeable team of immediately.

Trusted Motor Vehicles Accidents Lawyers in Holden, AB

Motor vehicles are one of the prime causes of accidents every year, regardless of where you live in this world. These can result in minor or severe injuries and even fatalities. Individuals who get injured in accidents are not only those driving or in a car, but also pedestrians and victims of hit-and-run cases. Those who are injured or their families have the right to file a personal injury claim through trusted and experienced motor vehicles accidents lawyers in Holden, Alberta.

In Holden alone, there is an average of 22,000 reported motor vehicle accidents each year. What if you were involved in one of them, what would you do? The first step would be to get in touch with motor vehicle accident attorneys to help you with the legal aspects and submit motor vehicle accident claims.

Our firm of trusted and competent motor vehicles accident lawyers has, over the years, been representing hundreds of victims of motor vehicle accidents. We value and understand the importance of getting adequate compensation so that the victim has enough to rebuild life and lead a quality existence.

How Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Help Settle Claims in Holden, Alberta

The quantum of claim in a motor vehicle accident depends on many factors – the extent of the injury, loss of income and future job opportunities, and many more. Your first step in the event of an accident should be to hire a vehicle accident attorney in Holden, Alberta. He/she will go into the intricacies of the accident and plan a fool-proof brief on your behalf. It will help you prepare and submit motor vehicle accident claims to get the fair and adequate compensation that you deserve.

A lot in this regard depends on how well motor vehicle accident attorneys in Holden, AB, prepare the case. As a claimant to compensation, you have several rights, and these can only be explained to you by experienced motor vehicle accident lawyers near Holden, Alberta. When we take up a case, our lawyers and specialized investigators visit the site of the accident in person to collect evidence on your behalf. We talk to people, if any, on the spot who can be witnesses if the case goes to trial.

We also have specialists who will check the accident vehicle if available and then go through medical reports to understand the nature of injuries. There are several reports that we rely on to work out motor vehicle accident claims. These include full medical records including those pre-dating the accident, records of physiotherapy or other similar treatments following the accident, X-rays and diagnostic scans, the police report to prove accident, and vehicle collision report to estimate the extent of the damage.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Suffered a Personal Injury in Holden

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Types Of Injuries:

Brain Injuries

Catastrophic Injuries

Chronic Pain

Serious Injuries

Spinal Cord Injuries

Wrongful Death


Call Us for a free Consultation

What You Should Not Do Before Speaking With a Vehicle Accident Attorney in Holden

Very often, people involved in motor vehicle accidents unknowingly do things which make their case for substantial compensation weak. There are several things that you should not do before meeting and speaking with an experienced vehicle accident attorney in Holden.

The first is do not admit to any fault on your part and apologize for the accident. It amounts to an admission of guilt and motor vehicles accidents lawyers will find it very difficult to have you absolved of any fault in a court of law. Next, do not pay or agree to pay any damages because this again amounts to an admission of guilt. Finally, contact your insurance company only after talking to motor vehicle accident lawyers near Holden or wherever else the accident might have happened in Holden, Alberta.

Further, do not discuss motor vehicle accident claims with anybody; let a reputed vehicle accident attorney do it on your behalf. You might discover that your legal rights in Holden, Alberta, entitle you to compensation on many points. These are lost wages, loss of quality and fulfilled living, medical bills, physical therapy, disability, and pain and suffering, and more.

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Your Entitlement to Motor Vehicle Accident Claims in Holden

There is no standardized payout of motor vehicle accident claims in Holden, Alberta. Every case is unique and exclusive, and the quantum of compensation depends fully on the severity of the accident and the extent of damages. However, certain rules govern the quantum of compensation payable. If you get hurt in a motor vehicle accident in Holden, the maximum amount of damages payable for minor injuries that resolve within six months of treatment is $5,202 as of 2019. However, serious injuries such as chronic pain, psychological injuries, and TMJ injuries do not fall under this cap. An experienced vehicle accident attorney can get substantial compensation on your behalf.

There is also the Car Accident Law in Holden, Alberta, which falls under the Motor Vehicles Accident Claims Program enacted by the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act. The aim is to look after the rights of victims injured in a car accident or one committed by an uninsured or unknown driver like in hit-and-run cases. Motor vehicles accidents lawyers in Holden will help you sue and claim compensation under this Act. According to the MVA, payment up to $200,000 can be claimed for personal injury in a motor vehicle accident. The amount will vary from case to case. Still, motor vehicle accident attorneys with years of experience can get the best deal for you. Talk to suitable attorneys in Holden, Alberta, in the event of an accident.

Contacting Motor Vehicles Accident Lawyers in Holden Immediately After Any Accident

While it is advisable to get in touch with motor vehicle accident lawyers near Holden, Alberta, as soon as possible after an accident, this is often not followed by the victims. In severe injury cases, this is understandable as patients take months to recover somewhat to make personal and financial decisions. Sometimes, people take a long time to fathom the extent of their injuries.

But keeping things too late might mean losing the ability to make motor vehicle accident claims in Holden because there is a limitation period of two years. That means that if you do not claim in writing within two years of an accident, the law prevents you from doing so. Hence, ensure that you get legal advice from motor vehicles accident lawyers in Holden as soon as possible.


Call Us for a free Consultation

    Your Injuries May Be
    Worth Thousands!

    Kindly answer a few questions to see if you qualify for a Free Consultation

    What type of incident or claim are you calling about?

    Did this happen in the last 2 years?

    Did the incident occur while you were at work or being paid?

    Were you deemed at fault for the accident?

    Are there any injuries associated with this dispute? Injuries can be either physical or psychological in nature.

    Have you lost out on any past, present or future income due to this situation?

    Have you already received, or are you currently receiving, any disability payments?

    Is a lawyer currently helping you with your disability claims?

    Are there any injuries associated with this inquiry? Injuries can be either physical or psychological in nature.

    Is a lawyer currently helping you with this situation?

    Sorry looks like you don't qualify

    The free estimate is for victims who:

    • Suffered an injury.

    • Were not working at the time.

    • Required medical care.

    • Don't currently have a lawyer.

    • Incident occurred in the past 2 years.

    • Were not at fault for the accident.

    This likely means we do not have any lawyers that can assist with your situation.

    Please find a lawyer that can handle your specific case on the Law Society of Alberta website at lawsociety.ab.ca


    You qualify for a free case evaluation. Please confirm some final details.

    A lawyer will contact you within 4 hours however we typically get back to 90% of our requests within 30 minutes.

    By submitting your request, you grant permission for our exclusive affiliate to contact you for your free case evaluation and potentially offer you representation and services. You understand that consent to being contacted is not a condition of purchase or acceptance of services of any kind. You agree that you have reviewed and understand our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

    Call Us Now talking is FREE!

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    24 Hours

    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

    Michael Ianni dedicated to your rights

    Michael Ianni is a talented personal injury lawyer with a wealth of experience, commitment, and dedication. He received his Bachelor of Commerce degree (Major in Finance) at Ryerson University in 2012. While attending Ryerson, Michael took part in an exchange program and studied at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. Michael continued his education in Australia and went on to obtain his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Bond University. Michael has gained valuable experience in personal injury law. He has appeared before the Superior Court of Justice on numerous occasions. Michael is dedicated to ensuring that his clients receive the best possible settlement.

    How We Help our experience is your advantage

    Home & Hospital Visits Anywhere in Alberta!

    The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is absolutely FREE. The consultation is a personal visit from one of our experienced personal injury lawyers, or a qualified associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of civil litigation with a strong focus on personal injuries and accidents. When we come and visit you, we will evaluate your case and your current condition. We will then take whatever time is necessary to carefully review your civil matter in a professional manner.

    Areas Of Practice what we are best at
    • Car Accidents
    • Spinal Cord Injuries
    • Brain Injuries
    • Insurance Claims
    • Section B Benefits
    • Transit Accidents
    • Long Term Disability
    • Catastrophic Injuries
    Regions We Serve we cover the following areas

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    Holden Personal Injury Lawyers

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    Holden Personal Injury Attorneys With Consistent Results

    We fight for your rights and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Extensive Experience

    As a personal injury lawyer in Alberta, our office represents numerous individuals every year who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Alberta.

    As a personal injury lawyer servicing Alberta, we will ensure you receive compensation for any and all damages incurred due to a catastrophic injury.

    If you have suffered an extreme injury leaving you with severe spinal cord injuries and paralysis, contact a proficient personal injury lawyer immediately.

    Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

    Aiding Compensation

    Under the Alberta Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act, we can request compensations for any losses and injuries suffered due to a car accident.

    If you were injured due to a distracted driver, our personal injury lawyer will conduct a full investigation and fight for full compensation.

    If you have been injured as a pedestrian in a motor vehicle accident, contact our Alberta law office today to speak with a personal injury lawyer.


    Call For Your Free Consultation.

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